
Kristian Agmund Haanes

Sensory Biology - NeXcites

Senior Researcher

Lundbeck Foundation Fellow 2021: Kristian Agmund Haanes, associate professor, Department of Clinical Experimental Research, Rigshospitalet-Glostrup Hospital.

Research into the causes of migraine

Around 15% of the world’s population are familiar with migraine, and – to varying degrees – experience recurrent episodes of severe headaches.

Kristian Agmund Haanes – 36, associate professor at the Department of Clinical Experimental Research, Rigshospitalet-Glostrup Hospital – will use his Lundbeck Foundation Fellowship to establish a research group that will seek to advance scientific understanding of the causes of migraine. A further aim is to identify new therapies for inhibiting migraine.

Women are far more prone to migraine than men, and during the course of his project, Kristian Agmund Haanes will attempt to improve our understanding of this gender imbalance by studying the female hormone oestrogen’s potential regulatory role in the disorder.

Kristian Agmund Haanes is receiving a grant worth DKK 10 million.

Fellows 2021 Kristian Agmund Haanes