The Brain Prize

Ernst Bamberg

Ernst Bamberg

Director Emeritus
Max-Planck-Institute of Biophysics

Ernst Bamberg received his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Basel in 1971. In 1993 he was full Professor of Biophysical Chemistry at the University of Frankfurt. He is currently Director Emeritus in the Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Max-Planck-Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

The focus of Ernst Bamberg’s research is the functional analysis of membrane proteins with biophysical methods such as electrophysiology, spectroscopy and structural methods for a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms of these proteins. His research focus lies on microbial rhodopsins, the light gated ion channels (channelrhodopsins) and the light driven ion pumps, which are used as optogenetic tools for the light control of electrically excitable cells. The goal of these studies is the development of improved tools with respect to light sensitivity, speed and ion selectivity in order to make them more applicable to the brain. Within an international consortium the  “new” rhodopsins are used for the recovery of vision on blind animals with a biomedical perspective.

Brain Prize winner of 2013 for their invention and refinement of optogenetics

The Brain Prize 2013 is also awarded to:

Ernst Bamberger